Shark News Stories

Get Breaking News First Receive News, Politics, and Entertainment Headlines Each Morning. Sign Up[1]FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) – Boaters off of the Florida Keys may want to be on the lookout for “Katharine the Great White Shark”. Satellite tracking shows Katharine is swimming her way south due east of Key Largo between the Florida Keys and The Bahamas. Friday, the large shark was just 25 miles off the coast of Fort Lauderdale. May 19, 2014: Katharine The Great White Shark was last noticed between the Florida Keys and The Bahamas. (Source: A few days earlier, she was off the coast of Palm Beach County. The giant shark was tagged with a satellite tracking device in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Scientists are watching her migration. You can also track Katharine’s movements (and other sharks too) by clicking here[2]. Marine biologists at Nova Southeastern University[3] do similar tracking. They track sharks…
South of Key West Florida last week, a commercial fisherman found something unusual in his nets. Along with his haul of fish, a huge, unusual-looking sea creature with an odd, flat snout was among the royal red shrimp. He had caught strange animals before, but never anything like this. The fisherman, Carl Moore, had no idea what he had caught, but he recognized that it must be something special and unusual. He photographed his catch and released it back into the sea, saving its life. It is his practice to return anything that’s alive and caught in his nets by mistake to the ocean. Only afterwards was the shark identified as a very rare deep-sea shark, the goblin shark or Mitsukurina owstoni. This is reportedly only the second goblin shark ever caught in the Gulf of Mexico. Research biologists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) were contacted by…
While shark attacks generally receive a lot of press and end up headlining newscasts when one occurs, are you aware of the actual numbers of attacks in any given year? Keep in mind that while any harm to a human is unfortunate and can be tragic, the global population is over 7 billion people. How many attacks would you estimate occur? In 2013, 116 shark attacks were reported globally. 19 of these were questionable, meaning that either the shark may have been provoked or shark involvement was unconfirmed. The total attacks, confirmed as unprovoked shark attacks numbered 97, including 13 that proved to be fatal. An unprovoked attack, is an incident occurring in a shark’s natural habitat without the human instigating any aggression toward the shark or provoking it in any way. In 2012, an annual total of unprovoked attacks numbered 80, quite a bit less than 2013. There were…

Shark Facts

Sharks' eyes are on the sides of their heads, so they have an amazingly wide sightline spanning nearly 360 degrees. Their panoramic view of the undersea world is inhibited only by two blind spots, one in front of the snout and the other directly behind the head.

Shark Attack

Best Beachy Binge Watching

Best Beachy Binge Watching

It's cold outside, and although beach season is just a couple more months away, the ocean lovers among us are starting to go a little stir-crazy. Why not bridge the gap between winter and spring by binge watching some beautiful, educational, ocean documentaries on Netflix? We rounded up a few...

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