Shark News Stories
Dec. 11 (UPI) -- While he was fishing off the coast of Camp Pendleton in Southern California back in October, Marine Jeff Fangman hauled in the catch of the day -- a great white shark. He was fishing with his daughter and wife, who was lucky enough to get his catch on camera. "The line just started rolling off the reel," Fangman said. "Lo and behold it ended up being a great white."Fangman is an experienced fisherman but this is the first great white he’s ever reeled in. "Seeing it in the water was just, it was almost mind blowing," he said. "It's taken several weeks to get the whole ordeal to sink in."It’s against the law for fisherman to haul in great whites, so Fangman had to drag the shark back into the water.[KTRK[3]][1][2] © 2013 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction, republication, redistribution and/or modification…
Sometime in the neighborhood of 23 million years ago, the megamouth shark swam the oceans. Thought to be extinct, scientists recently identified a new species of megamouth shark by teeth found around 50 years ago. Confused? So were the scientists! The teeth baffled scientists in the 1960s because they didn’t know of any species they could have come from. The limited knowledge and technology available to identify the source of the teeth was just too limited. Without any idea of what they had, they put the teeth in storage in the Los Angeles County Museum. Basically, they put them away for a rainy day and hoped that sometime, someone would figure out their origins. The Modern Megamouth Shark was discovered in 1976. This shark, as you can imagine by the name, has a huge mouth and feeds on small fish and plankton. It swims along with its mouth open and…
A new shark has been found strolling the ocean floor in a reef near an island in Indonesia. Yes, strolling. The shark was actually using its fins to walk along the bottom of the ocean, moving quite quickly and effectively. The discovery was made by scientists from Conservation International and the Western Australian Museum. The new shark has been dubbed Hemiscyllium halmehera. Hemiscyllium is the longtail carpet or bamboo shark family. Halmehera is the Indonesian island where the shark was discovered in the waters. It cruises along the ocean floor to find food – small fish and crustaceans. Watching videos on the Conservation International blog, the unusual movements appear to be a combination of walking at times and gliding others. It is quite interesting to watch and will, no doubt, appeal to young and old alike with its rare talent. The only time the shark actually swims is to evade…
Shark Facts
Unlike humans, whose upper jaw is a fixed part of the skull, a shark can dislocate and protrude its upper jaw to help it grab and hang onto prey. Talk about a big-mouth!
Shark Attack

Best Beachy Binge Watching
It's cold outside, and although beach season is just a couple more months away, the ocean lovers among us are starting to go a little stir-crazy. Why not bridge the gap between winter and spring by binge watching some beautiful, educational, ocean documentaries on Netflix? We rounded up a few...
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