Shark News Stories
Every year around this time my family gathers around the television in the evening, anticipating our week of close bonding around a favorite special week. Yes, that’s right. Shark Week is coming. Some parents might cringe at the thought of watching Shark Week with their kids. I have all boys and shark week is eagerly awaited with thoughts of seals getting swallowed in one gulp and sharks leaping out of the water in ways we never imagined. Discovery Channel never lets us down. With the shows and online content, Shark Week is our week. This year, the Discovery Channel is going to present a live talk show every evening. Hosted by comedian Josh Wolf, the show will feature attack survivors, experts, and more. Viewers will be able to make the show an interactive experience by tweeting questions during the broadcast. I’m looking forward to Sunday, August 4th. The first day…
Published: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 12:48 p.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 at 1:44 p.m.
An 11-year-old boy won't let a little thing like a shark bite keep him from swimming in the ocean, although he told a television news reporter he might be a bit scared when he goes back into the water. Kyle Kirkpatrick said he saw the dark shadow of the shark that bit him Monday afternoon while he was swimming in the ocean with his father behind the Maverick Resort in Ormond Beach. Kirkpatrick said he was trying to catch a wave when he felt something on his right foot. He looked back and saw blood in the water. "I thought I was going to die," Kirkpatrick told a reporter from WKMG Local 6 News in Orlando after the incident. His father, Todd Kirkpatrick said he took his son in his arms and…
Squalene oil is extracted from shark liver for face and skin creamsSubstance made by sharks in their livers to help control buoyancy in waterPremium substance from gulper sharks can fetch £18,000 a tonExtracted by 'livering': Liver is removed and carcass thrown overboardSelfridges to join Cole at event and announce ban on squalene in store By Deni Kirkova [1] PUBLISHED: 06:04 EST, 27 May 2013 | UPDATED: 08:30 EST, 27 May 2013 Lily Cole, pictured at the Costume Institute Gala Benefit in May, is to speak out against squalene use Sharks are already in demand for their fins and now it has been revealed that their livers are being used to make luxury face cream.Model and animal rights campaigner Lily Cole is to speak out against the use of squalene, an oil extracted from the livers of endangered sharks, at the Hay Festival on Thursday.As one of Britain's most successful models…
Shark Facts
Sharks' eyes are on the sides of their heads, so they have an amazingly wide sightline spanning nearly 360 degrees. Their panoramic view of the undersea world is inhibited only by two blind spots, one in front of the snout and the other directly behind the head.
Shark Attack

Best Beachy Binge Watching
It's cold outside, and although beach season is just a couple more months away, the ocean lovers among us are starting to go a little stir-crazy. Why not bridge the gap between winter and spring by binge watching some beautiful, educational, ocean documentaries on Netflix? We rounded up a few...
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