Shark News Stories

Before the season of sun and fun is in full swing, why not spend a gorgeous springtime weekend getting your favorite beach ready for summer? There's no need to wait for International Beach Cleanup Day--which is September 17th--to get your shoreline in tiptop shape. It might sound like a whole load of work outside your capabilities, but hosting a cleanup is actually pretty simple. Each year, beach and ocean trash present a serious problem to the biological health of our coasts. Not only does the litter make the land unattractive, but fish, animals, and plant life in the tides can be fatally endangered by waste. While you may not be able to host your own animal rescue, you can definitely make a major impact on how much garbage finds it's way into the waters in the first place by following our easy guide to tackling the trash. Step One: Identify…
March 28, 2016DEAR FRIENDS, On March 10th, SHARK was at the Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club in Prior Lake, MN, to protest and document a 2,000 bird live pigeon shoot fundraiser on behalf of Ducks Unlimited (DU). These innocent birds were shot, wounded and killed, all so DU could make some money.We are now releasing video from that shoot, which you can watch HERE[1]. We will be releasing a second video on Wednesday and a third on Friday. These videos will expose DU for being nothing but unethical animal serial killers. DU supporters shooting pigeons for fun in Minnesotta Please contact Ducks Unlimited and tell them that they have shamed themselves by holding a pigeon shoot when they admitted previously that such shoots were neither ethical nor moral. Please be polite and respectful and let us know if you receive any response. References^ HERE (
March 24, 2016DEAR FRIENDS, We are pleased to show you this great TV coverage of our campaign to expose the myth of California’s “Happy Cows.” Click on the image to watch the story: Cows used for milk suffer terribly, and this is an important campaign to both educate and gain sympathy for these beautiful animals.We are asking that you contact Stanislaus County District Attorney Birgit Fladager and ask her why no action has been taken against the dairy worker who drove his Jeep right at both Investigator Janet Enoch and myself. Please be polite and respectful. Birgit FladagerDistrict AttorneyThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please also respectfully contact Sheriff Adam Christainson and ask him why no action has been taken against his deputy, Steve Gerhadt, who stood by and did nothing while that crime was committed. This email address is being…

Shark Facts

Headed to shark-filled waters? Pack your boxing gloves. Punching a shark in the nose or poking its eyes can help to fend it off during an attack. Aim for the sensitive eyes or gills or, if your aim is off, the much bigger target of the snout. Most sharks don't want to work that hard for their food and will swim away.

Shark Attack

Best Beachy Binge Watching

Best Beachy Binge Watching

It's cold outside, and although beach season is just a couple more months away, the ocean lovers among us are starting to go a little stir-crazy. Why not bridge the gap between winter and spring by binge watching some beautiful, educational, ocean documentaries on Netflix? We rounded up a few...

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