Shark News Stories
While returning to Illinois from a Pennsylvania pigeon shoot site, the SHARK team spotted an injured goose. Watch this video to learn the story of that rescue. ...
In our last update we told you about the US Meat Animal Research Center, (USMARC) which performs cruel experiments on cows, lambs and pigs, and corrupt Clay County Sheriff Jeff Franklin, who made an illegal traffic stop to harass us after we flew our Angel aircraft to videotape the facility. Read the New York Times article about this facility here: U.S. Research Lab Lets Livestock Suffer in Quest for Profit[1] In our latest video exposing Sheriff Franklin we show even more lies and hypocrisy. We have sent letters to the editors of the Nebraska newspaper that ran Sheriff Franklin’s slanderous claims of SHARK being connected to criminal and terrorist activities. Franklin’s outrageous conduct are an indication of USMARC’s fear of exposure for cruelty, and its willingness to sink to any level needed to escape scrutiny. Those who know SHARK also know that we don’t tolerate such misdeeds, and we are…
BREAKING NEWS Tuesday, September 30, 2014 Contact: Steve Hindi 630-640-1889 Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe May Have Broken Election Laws, Group Charges at Capitol; Cherokee Nation Members Criticize Principal Chief's Role in Inhofe Pigeon Shoot Fundraising Event OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) may have broken election laws at a pigeon shoot fundraising event he held Sept. 5, according to documents and video made public at a Capitol press conference here Tuesday morning by an international animal protection group. SHARK (Showing Animals Respect and Kindness) President Steve Hindi said video documentation his group has obtained indicates it was federal land used for a pigeon shoot fundraiser by Sen. Inhofe in Oklahoma, that the general manager of the district participated in the shoot, contributed to Inhofe's campaign and his district profited from Sen. Inhofe's votes in the Senate. Hindi released copies of the federal complaint and associated documentation:[1][2]…
Shark Facts
Headed to shark-filled waters? Pack your boxing gloves. Punching a shark in the nose or poking its eyes can help to fend it off during an attack. Aim for the sensitive eyes or gills — or, if your aim is off, the much bigger target of the snout. Most sharks don't want to work that hard for their food and will swim away.
Shark Attack

Best Beachy Binge Watching
It's cold outside, and although beach season is just a couple more months away, the ocean lovers among us are starting to go a little stir-crazy. Why not bridge the gap between winter and spring by binge watching some beautiful, educational, ocean documentaries on Netflix? We rounded up a few...
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