Ex-NRA President Assaults SHARK Investigator / Federal Documents Prove Senator Inhofe Violated the Law - October 7, 2015

1. The land that Senator Inhofe used for the shoot/fundraiser was in fact federal property. The fundraiser never should never have been held there. This is proof that we were 100% correct in stating that Inhofe violated the law by holding his political fundraiser on federal property.

2.  The Bureau discovered that a “burn pit" was on the federal property which contained building debris and tires.  Burning tires by itself is explicitly illegal for the hazardous waste it produces. Mr. Buchanan's use of federal property as a dump site demonstrates more violations of environmental law.

3.  A brick structure was constructed on the property which was used for the pigeon shoot.  When SHARK’s investigator was on site, he overheard it said that this was built specifically to hold pigeon shoots on the property. The Bureau ordered that it be torn down. 

4. Bureau inspectors reported that, The site is littered with countless rotting pigeon carcasses, clay targets, shotgun shells, spent brass, water bottles, cardboard, plastic packaging and other refuse.”

The dumping of rotting pigeon corpses is a direct tie between Senator Inhofe and his fundraiser, and violations of environmental law.

5. The Bureau found “At least two unauthorized game feeders and associated hunting blinds.”  That means that either the federal land was being used for Buchanan’s his own hunting desires, or it was being farmed out as a bait and kill operation for others.  Either way, it showed the obscene lengths that federal property was being illegally used.

The Bureau letters also state: “Please remember that activities other than routine operation and maintenance (O&M) of the project must be approved by Reclamation and are subject to review and disclosure under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).”

This is important, as it shows that not only did the specific acts (pigeon shoot political fundraiser, burn pit, dumping of bodies/garbage, bait and kill sites, discharge of firearms and explosives) by themselves violate federal law, but that each and every one of those acts also violated NEPA.

While we greatly appreciate the work the Bureau has done in investigating the misuse of federal property, the crimes committed on the property were so blatant and so serious that those responsible must be held accountable.  That is why SHARK has sent all of these documents to the Office of Inspector General for the Department of the Interior.

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Sharks' eyes are on the sides of their heads, so they have an amazingly wide sightline spanning nearly 360 degrees. Their panoramic view of the undersea world is inhibited only by two blind spots, one in front of the snout and the other directly behind the head.

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