News Story: Animal rights group confronts California dairies

March 24, 2016


We are pleased to show you this great TV coverage of our campaign to expose the myth of California’s “Happy Cows.”

Click on the image to watch the story:

Cows used for milk suffer terribly, and this is an important campaign to both educate and gain sympathy for these beautiful animals.We are asking that you contact Stanislaus County District Attorney Birgit Fladager and ask her why no action has been taken against the dairy worker who drove his Jeep right at both Investigator Janet Enoch and myself. Please be polite and respectful.

Birgit Fladager
District Attorney
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Please also respectfully contact Sheriff Adam Christainson and ask him why no action has been taken against his deputy, Steve Gerhadt, who stood by and did nothing while that crime was committed. 


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News Story: Animal rights group confronts California dairies

Deputy Gerhardt refused to even speak to us as he hung out with dairy supporters

Here is what SHARK sent to him a few weeks ago:

News Story: Animal rights group confronts California dairies


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Unlike humans, whose upper jaw is a fixed part of the skull, a shark can dislocate and protrude its upper jaw to help it grab and hang onto prey. Talk about a big-mouth!

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