NY Police Lose it Over a Drone

Last November, SHARK legally used a drone to get an aerial view of Marshall Farms, a company in North Rose, New York that raises beagles and other animals for experimentation.According to THIS report, Marshal Farms has been cited for violations of the Animal Welfare Act, including that an Inspector “...found that puppies were being euthanized and necropsied in a medical building in front of hospitalized puppies, potentially causing them distress.”  And “...an excessive fly infestation in some buildings, including the treatment/necropsy area.”[1]After we left the area, a security vehicle from Marshal Farms followed us. About ten miles later, State and County police made an illegal traffic stop that lasted more than an hour. 

Watch the video here:


The police lost their credibility, their dignity, and any legitimacy by selling out to a company that sells animals for research. Shame on the New York State Police and the Wayne County Sheriff's Department. We are in the process of reviewing our legal options.

Please email both law enforcement agencies about how their officers acted. Please be polite, and please let us know if you get a response:New York State Police:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Wayne County Sheriff:
Sheriff Barry Virts
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Incidents like this show how important our work is. Marshal Farms wouldn't have sicced two law enforcement agencies after us if they weren't afraid of the public seeing what they do to puppies and other animals. Being on the frontlines means that you become a target, but that doesn't scare us. Please consider supporting us so that we can continue to do what others won't!


  1. ^ THIS (sharkonline.us7.list-manage1.com)

Shark Facts

Headed to shark-filled waters? Pack your boxing gloves. Punching a shark in the nose or poking its eyes can help to fend it off during an attack. Aim for the sensitive eyes or gills or, if your aim is off, the much bigger target of the snout. Most sharks don't want to work that hard for their food and will swim away.

Shark Attack

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