Satellite tag: 'Katharine the great white shark' swimming off Key Largo

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FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) – Boaters off of the Florida Keys may want to be on the lookout for “Katharine the Great White Shark”.

Satellite tracking shows Katharine is swimming her way south due east of Key Largo between the Florida Keys and The Bahamas.

Friday, the large shark was just 25 miles off the coast of Fort Lauderdale.

Satellite tag: 'Katharine the great white shark' swimming off Key Largo

May 19, 2014: Katharine The Great White Shark was last noticed between the Florida Keys and The Bahamas. (Source:

A few days earlier, she was off the coast of Palm Beach County.

The giant shark was tagged with a satellite tracking device in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Scientists are watching her migration.

You can also track Katharine’s movements (and other sharks too) by clicking here[2].

Marine biologists at Nova Southeastern University[3] do similar tracking.

They track sharks and other sea life hoping to learn more about them to find better ways to help protect them.




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Shark Facts

Electroreception allows sharks to notice the smallest changes in the electricity conducted through saltwater. Blood in the water changes its conductivity. So, sharks don't see blood and attack: They sense and smell it.

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