Top: Grace trying to clean herself with the arrow protruding from her face. Bottom: Grace, still tranquilized, after the arrow was removed
with the arrow embedded in her nose.Our videos of Grace received wide media coverage, and a petition was started that garnered more than 100,000 signatures! This put tremendous pressure on the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife (FW), which finally took action after months of ignoring her.We are overjoyed to tell you that on September 1st, Grace was tranquilized and the accursed arrow was sheared off! A local resident is keeping an eye on Grace and her fawn, and both are alive and well.
If not for our video and campaign for Grace, and the pressure brought upon FW, she would either be suffering to this day with that arrow in her face, or she would have finally succumbed and died.

In the summer of 2014, SHARK’s team filmed a cruel “Pig Rassle” held in Wisconsin by the St. Patrick Parish. Our video of the violence committed against pigs was seen more than a quarter of a million times. We held press conferences in Wisconsin and challenged the Diocese of Green Bay to shut this cruelty down.
In 2015, after decades of abuse, the church finally relented and the event was shut down!

Maryland-based Fish Feel alerted us that a cruel cownose ray killing contest was to be held in Maryland on June 13th, 2015. SHARK was out in force with two teams filming as pregnant rays were shot at point-blank range with arrows then beaten mercilessly with metal bats. The rays were not killed for food. After the slaughter was over and the bodies were weighed, they were illegally dumped back into the river.

The video Stu took of that vicious slaughter went viral, exposing Inhofe’s sadistic cruelty nationwide and beyond, but that was just the beginning.

A victim of the Inhofe fundraiser

The US Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC) is a government-funded research facility in Clay County, Nebraska. USMARC performs cruel experiments on cows, lambs and pigs.
Last January, the NY Times exposed USMARC for it’s horrific abuse and high fatality rates. In November, SHARK teamed up with Last Chance for Animals (LCA) to learn more, driving to Nebraska to film the facility.
In video obtained from USMARC under the Freedom of Information Act, a pig was kicked and slapped

They agreed and said they will not host another rodeo next year. We applaud the Sussex Christian School for choosing not to hold another cruel fundraiser!

One of the innocent calves that was abused at the Sussex Christian School rodeo

This bull was mercilessly whipped and electro-shocked

Ask yourself this - What organizations were willing to take on a powerful, corrupt US Senator like Jim Inhofe? The answer is only SHARK.
Who fights for not only for the hundreds of thousands of innocent pigeons used in live pigeon shoots, and also for the life of one suffering deer, because we know that each and every animal is unique and deserves protection? SHARK does.
What organization has scored so many victories and saved so many lives while having only five full-time investigators (only four of whom are paid for their hard work)? Again, the answer is SHARK.
And to top it all off, what organizations do you know has accomplished so much while having so little money? The answer is SHARK. And we are struggling every day to find the resources to continue our work.
Please re-read this mailer again and let the breadth and significance of our work sink in. Throughout the US and beyond, SHARK goes where the violence is happening, and we put ourselves on the line between the abusers and their victims.
I implore you, in this season of giving, to consider making a generous donation so that we may fight even harder. Be part of the change you want. The lives we save will be the lives you save also.
For the Animals,
Steve Hindi
Founder and President